so, we checked off a few baby to-do's from our list this weekend! short story: we registered, we FINALLY settled on a stroller, we decided on bedding/decor for the nursery and we ordered curtains! keep reading if you care for the long story, complete with pictures...
i have been all over craigslist (seriously, every single day--sometimes two or three times!) looking for a deep discount on a stroller. i have been looking at the baby jogger city select, the uppababy vista and the britax b-ready. i chose these three because they have the option of adding a second seat to the stroller for future kiddos. they are all pretty pricey strollers, but i figured if it lasted me through all our kiddos, it would be so worth it!
well, the only luck i had was finding the britax b-ready with the second seat for $400. it belonged to a grandma and was purchased last july (less than 1 year ago) and was hardly used. i emailed her right away and it was still available and i was so close to buying it. until i found a brand new one online for $340. i asked the seller if she would go down to $300, but she said the lowest she would go was $375 so i decided i would rather have a brand new one and spend less money. granted, it doesn't come with the second seat attachment, but i won't need that for a while anyway...hopefully!
however, i was still on the fence about what brand i REALLY wanted. my favorite was the baby jogger city select because i liked the placement of the second seat (in the front), but i hated that the bassinet was not a separate frame, which is a lot of the reason why i'm looking at this style of stroller to begin with (along with the option to expand). i liked the look of the uppababy and it had great reviews, but a lot of mixed feelings on the rumble seat (the add-on attachment for another child). i was already sold on a britax car seat, and the idea of my "travel system" being cohesive made the britax b-ready much more appealing. stan and i had planned to register at buy buy baby saturday since we finally knew we were having a boy, so i thought i would take a deeper look at them all while we were there, versus internet searching which is what i have been doing for 3 months now!
which brings me to the first thing we checked off our list--REGISTERING! this is one of my FAVORITE things to do. i had so much fun registering when we were engaged and this was no different! of course stan had control of the gun and i didn't get to scan one thing! by the time we made it through the whole store we were exhausted! we had planned to go see a movie, but instead we went home and decided to purchase our stroller! in the store we finally decided on the britax b-ready and we're so excited!
so, number two: we purchased our stroller! it turns out, the stroller was $370 (not $340) at a store called right start, but i had a $10 off coupon for signing up on their email list. only it wasn't valid on sale items. that was a bummer. but then i saw if you create a registry, you get 10% store credit towards a future purchase for everything that is purchased off of your registry. AND they have better prices than buy buy baby so i moved a lot of my big ticket items over to that store in hopes that i would have a nice little credit to get the little things that people don't want to buy because they aren't as fun. so long story short, this is what we ended up with!
we would have rather had the all black, but the twilight (or tan) color was on sale for a cheaper price so we went with that!
this is what it will look like for the first few months with the bassinet attachment (before baby can sit up and control his neck). i can't wait to take walks in our neighborhood pushing a baby in this bad boy! 

and these are all of the configurations that can be done with ONE stroller. crazy, huh?!
we also settled on nursery decor! we had been playing with the idea of a nautical/sailor or travel "theme." we don't want it to be too "theme-y" but we do want it to be cohesive. i found some fabric online on sunday that i really liked for the blanket. we saw some bedding at buy buy baby (that was ridiculously overpriced) so i'll base the style loosely off of the blanket that came with the bedding. it's kind of a duvet style, which won't be used until the baby is older anyway, but it will be super cute draped over the side of the crib until he's actually using his crib!
here's a picture of the blanket if you care to see what i'm hoping the finished product will look like:
it's kind of hard to tell from the picture but it's fluffy and it has piping. it's less quilt like, although it is tacked down in a few places to keep all the layers in place. shouldn't be too hard but it will be my first time to take a stab at piping!
lastly, we ordered curtains from urban outfitters! i got an email about new sale items added and they were the right price! there are two windows in the nursery, one large double window and one single window so i knew whatever curtains i bought/made would have to be pretty inexpensive! this is what we ended up with! i love them :)
anyway, that's it for now! i am planning on purchasing a bunch of different fabrics to make sheets, bumpers, pillows, changing pad covers, etc. i've found quite a bit of stuff i like but i need to run it by stan and see what his favorite is! i'll let you know as we get to that point!
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