exciting news: i’m 26 years old and i FINALLY figured out my style!
unfortunate news: i can count on one hand the number of things in our apartment that reflect that style, most of which i DIY-ed recently.
so in light of my recent discovery, and to make the task of decorating our apartment less daunting, i have created a project jar. some of the projects are small, such as recovering the seats on two chairs we thrifted. some are huge, such as recovering our couch pillows or sewing lined curtains. the large projects are broken down into 4-5 steps to do one at a time in hopes that they will get done faster…instead of feeling like i have to do it all at once. plus there’s that small factor of time, in which i have VERY LITTLE due to the CPA exam. so these are little things i can do here and there to slowly transform our living quarters. i’m sure just in time to move somewhere else, but hopefully that somewhere else will be a loft space (in downtown dallas maybe) and then it will all be worth it!
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