saturday, i most definitely did sleep past 8:00 and did NOT run. oh well. there’s always next time. the garage started out looking like this:

and after a few hours it looked more like this:

you probably can’t tell by this picture, but i made a LOT of progress!
i did a little bit of this:

and may

(unfinished spider web pumpkin…that still remains unfinished. oops.)

candy corn—stan’s favorite (inspired by these)
and made this:

hoping they’d be doing more of this:

and less of this:

ahhh, but such is life.
friday night was relaxing. despite there being a wreck on EVERY route i could take home (there are at least a dozen) i made it in 45 minutes. not too shabby. date night with the hubster was great! colleyville cinema & grill made for a great date location. plus our tickets were only $10 FOR BOTH OF US! thank you military discount for $2.00 off. it’s a super cheap place (only $6.00/person for you normal people) but still really nice (colleyville—hello!). life as we know it was a great movie. and my friends’ baby, Eliana, could totally pass for the baby in the movie. no lie. i had planned to be crafty with some halloween decor when we got home, but it didn’t happen. instead, i crashed on our bed while stan watched some t.v. oops.
things i did not accomplish saturday:
- running.
- garage is better, but still not clean enough to park in it.
- i did not make it to a discount fabric store or to orr-reed. or buy the rest of the stuff i need to make a dog bed. bummer.
- forgot to pick up an ironing board—probably because i didn’t get the fabric i needed.
- get my vanity squared away and make some diy jewelry holders