Tuesday, October 26, 2010

my weekend in pictures...

…and text.

saturday, i most definitely did sleep past 8:00 and did NOT run. oh well. there’s always next time. the garage started out looking like this:

and after a few hours it looked more like this:

you probably can’t tell by this picture, but i made a LOT of progress!
i did a little bit of this:

and may or may not have used an entire can of black spray paint

(unfinished spider web pumpkin…that still remains unfinished. oops.)

candy corn—stan’s favorite (inspired by these)
and made this:

hoping they’d be doing more of this:

and less of this:

ahhh, but such is life.

friday night was relaxing. despite there being a wreck on EVERY route i could take home (there are at least a dozen) i made it in 45 minutes. not too shabby. date night with the hubster was great! colleyville cinema & grill made for a great date location. plus our tickets were only $10 FOR BOTH OF US! thank you military discount for $2.00 off. it’s a super cheap place (only $6.00/person for you normal people) but still really nice (colleyville—hello!). life as we know it was a great movie. and my friends’ baby, Eliana, could totally pass for the baby in the movie. no lie. i had planned to be crafty with some halloween decor when we got home, but it didn’t happen. instead, i crashed on our bed while stan watched some t.v. oops.
things i did not accomplish saturday:
  • running.
  • garage is better, but still not clean enough to park in it.
  • i did not make it to a discount fabric store or to orr-reed. or buy the rest of the stuff i need to make a dog bed. bummer.
  • forgot to pick up an ironing board—probably because i didn’t get the fabric i needed.
  • get my vanity squared away and make some diy jewelry holders

    sunday was more about playing catch up from saturday. well…there’s always december—since november will be all about studying for the CPA exam. round 1 of FAR and round 2 of BEC. Bring it on.

    note to self:

    Note to self: either leave before to sun rises or don’t forget sunglasses

    either leave before to sun rises or don’t forget sunglasses

    Friday, October 22, 2010

    on the agenda for the weekend...

    well, we are finally moved out of the old apartment in plano and into the new place in north richland hills. we still have a long way to go as far as getting things “put away” though. just because i’m crazy about lists, here’s the insane amount of things i’m going to attempt to tackle this weekend:

    • walk through the old apartment with maintenance crew
    • date night with the hubster at colleyville cinema & grill and see this movie
    • work on some halloween decor i have planned
    • sleep past 8:00
    • RUN—considering i have planned to wake up early every day this week to run and haven’t done it once
    • get the garage in order so someone can actually park a car in it
    • go to some discount fabric stores off harry hines (like this and this) with a friend and her sweet baby to find some black out fabric for curtains
    • buy a full size ironing board so i can start making said curtains
    • beg the hubby to take me to orr-reed wrecking co. to get an old window to make a new dining table since there’s no way the old table we made will fit :(
    • go to home depot with my dad to buy table legs for said table and some wood for a couple projects i have up my sleeve
    • get my vanity squared away and make some diy jewelry holders
    • buy supplies to make a new dog bed for our kids
    • hang out with clarissa and her precious baby girl, kolbe, while the guys are at manchurch
    • run…again
    • church in the a.m.
    • meal plan / grocery shop / prepare meals for the week
    • attempt to finish the ridiculous amount of work i didn’t finish saturday
    • take pictures of my halloween decor—and yes, i know there’s only one more week until halloween, but dang it, i love this time of year and i shouldn’t miss out just because of poor planning regarding our move. looks like the halloween decor will just have to stay up through thanksgiving :) ahh, let’s face it…i never put it away until i drag out christmas decor anyway!
    Anyone wanna take bets on how much will actually get done? i’m banking on about 50%…but then again, i never was a ‘the glass is half-full’ kinda girl anyway!

    Saturday, October 9, 2010

    Wednesday, October 6, 2010