January 25, 1951-November 4, 2009

greg served in the army with my dad in veitnam. i didn’t meet greg until my high school years, but he was like a second dad to me. he was a loving husband and father and one of the most caring, generous people i know. he would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. he helped my dad through some hard times and my dad did the same for him. i’m really going to miss him.
he taught me how to drive my first motorcycle…
…and if i were any good at it (which I wasn’t) he would have given it to me in a heartbeat.
he bought me my first leather jacket…
…and pair of leather pants.
we went on many a ride on this bike.
i think my favorite memory was riding in the memorial day parade in d.c. what an incredible trip that was!
he let me stand on his shoulders to get a rubbing off the vietnam memorial wall for my dad.
he hooked my dad and i up with a ride in one of these:
he bought me my first laptop as a high school graduation present.
he paid for my first sky diving trip as a going-off-to-college present.
he took me to get my first tattoo when i turned 18, which REALLY upset my dad…
…because my dad wanted to take me to get tattoos together.
so many good memories, and i will cherish every one of them.
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